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Camino de Santiago - Day 11

This morning greeted us with a light and steady rain. Temperature around 50F. I departed from Atapeurca - a small village surrounded by wheat fields and set off for Burgos - about 22 km. Terrie and I depart with a big hug and Buen Camino each day and meet again along the trail or at our destination town. The first part of the trail was very rocky and muddy. I walked with a huge smile on my face, grateful for the experience of walking in the rain, in the mud, and feeling the stones beneath my feet. My blisters have mostly healed and my feet fit into my boots in a familiar and comfortable way. I walked most of the day solo, seeing only the occasional peregrino, and alone with my thoughts...

This afternoon, I entered the city of Burgos and was struck by the contrast between rural and urban.

Some of my thoughts...

-both are valid

-one is not better than the other

-nothing stays the same

-I am grateful for both vistas today



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