Camino de Santiago - Day 20
This morning I am stepping outside on my own 2 feet slowly... ahhhhhhh... my bag is packed. Terrie and I will take the train to Astorga....
Camino de Santiago - Day 19
This morning, I awoke in a different way. Instead of bounding out of bed as usual, first I looked at my left ankle (still swollen, but...
Camino de Santiago - Day 18
The view outside my window. I just finished another lovely breakfast at Hostel Moratinos. The wind is howling this morning and the crack...
Camino de Santiago - Day 17
I slept yesterday from 12:30pm to 5pm and from 10pm to 9:30am. I feel very rested. This is probably exactly what I need right now. My...
Camino de Santiago - Day 16
Of course when things don't look "neat & tidy" in our lives, we do our best to clean them up for ourselves and for those around us ......
Camino de Santiago - Day 15
This morning I sat down for a late breakfast and one of the owners "Eduardo" brought me my coffee and asked to "sit down for breakfast...
Camino de Santiago - Day 14
This morning starts off with a long climb up a very steep hill to the flats and rolling hills of the Meseta. I'm feeling very strong in...
Camino de Santiago - Day 13
My posts from this point on will be uncensored thoughts that I am recording as I walk... Last night we ate dinner with a young gentleman...
Camino de Santiago - Day 12
Today I recorded my thoughts as they came to me while I walked. Buen Camino. Today I am tired and I thought of taking a taxi - but I...
Camino de Santiago - Day 10
Santo Domingo was born in 1019. Today we toured the Cathedral that he built as well as the sweet town that has grown around it. Santo...